Don’t fall off your chair, I’m writing in my “travel blog”.  Well, it started off as a travel blog but since I’ve now been living in America for nearly four years, I guess it’s just my blog.

Fall has come to Texas – the weather has chilled and the light has changed.  I always love the twinkle of Autumn sunlight and the way the day changes in a moment from morning to afternoon.  I have the day off so I have Gilmore Girls playing in the background and I’m drinking coffee from the vintage mug I bought at Cracker Barrel.

But the reason I’m writing today is to share my experience at the USAFL Nationals Tournament in Austin a few weeks ago.  With the nationals in Austin this year, it gave me a perfect opportunity to attend without a hefty travel bill.  The weekend was filled with wonderful camaraderie, good sportsmanship (except for one team – I’m looking at you Sacramento Suns), patriotism (Australian, American and Canadian) and, of course, being in America, flags and national anthems :). At the final party for the winning team (Austin), listening to the speeches of both Americans and Australians, I was struck by the perfection of their combination.  The Australians’ laid-back, rough, straight up style is perfectly complemented by the sensitivity and innocence of the Americans.  I can see why, as nations and people, we like each other and seek each other out so much.

Warm fuzzies, Australia and America ❤